


活動時間:2024年9月21日(周六)8:30 活動地點:秦皇島首旅京倫酒店B2層會議三廳 發(fā)布時間:2024年09月20日 16:50



韓德仁,教授,博士生導師,現(xiàn)任北京航空航天大學數(shù)學科學學院院長。從事大規(guī)模優(yōu)化問題、變分不等式問題的數(shù)值方法的研究工作,以及優(yōu)化和變分不等式問題在交通規(guī)劃、磁共振成像中的應(yīng)用,發(fā)表多篇學術(shù)論文。曾獲中國運籌學會青年科技獎,江蘇省科學技術(shù)獎等獎項;主持國家自然科學基金杰出青年基金等多項項目。擔任中國運籌學會常務(wù)理事、算法軟件與應(yīng)用分會理事長;《數(shù)值計算與計算機應(yīng)用》、《Journal of the Operations Research Society of China》、《Journal of Global Optimization》、《Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research》編委。


本報告介紹求解相容和不相容線性方程組和不等式組問題的隨機算法的幾個新進展,包括多集合Douglas-Rachford分裂算法(r-sets-DR (RrDR))等。





In the field of geophysics, big data, AI, and inverse problems involve cross-disciplinary integration of computer science, mathematics, statistics, and geophysics. This approach enables the development of accurate subsurface property models by analyzing vast amounts of geophysical data. Traditionally, various geophysical methods were used to study geological anomalies, but the use of big data and AI has shown potential to enhance this process. This talk will introduce both model-driven and data-driven inverse problems and explain how optimizing algorithms are used to solve for physical properties of the earth’s subsurface from geophysical data collected at the surface.

三、報告題目:Regularized splitting method for three operators inclusion problems of “two maximal monotone + one cocoercive” and its applications




Thisstudyconsiders finding a zero point of A + B + C, where A and C are maximal monotone and B is ξ-cocoercive. The three-operator splitting method (TSM), proposed by Davis and Yin, is a popular algorithm for solving this problem. Observing that the x-sequence and the y-sequence in TSM have the same accumulation point and B’s information is only utilized in the second subproblem, this work proposes a new splitting method named the regularized splitting method (RSM), where “x = y” is introduced as a penalty term and the forward step is also employed in the first subproblem. The penalty term can balance the differences between the two subproblems and the additional forward step enables utilizing B’s information in both subproblems simultaneously. We establish the convergence of the proposed method and demonstrate its sublinear convergence rate concerning the fixed-point residuals, assuming mild conditions in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. This approach not only generalizes the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the TSM, but also, to our knowledge, uniquely correlates with the symmetric alternating direction method of multipliers–a correspondence that is absent in current maximal monotone operator splitting algorithms. As an application, we use RSM to solve zero point problems involving multiple operators. By introducing a new space reconstruction method, we transform the problem of multiple operators into a problem of three operators and derive a distributed version of the RSM. We validate our method’s efficiency through applications to mean-variance optimization, inverse problems in imaging, and the softmargin support vector machine problem with nonsmooth hinge loss functions, showcasing its superior performance compared to existing algorithms in the literature.

四、報告題目:Simulated annealing-based nonmonotone conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization with applications




Line search methods typically require a large number of iterations to find the suitable stepsize, resulting in slower convergence speed and higher computation cost. Combining with nonmonotone simulated annealing technique and Armijo line search, we propose a modified three-term conjugate gradient method to reduce the numbers of line search method used. For a given trial stepsize, we decide whether to accept it by simulated annealing rule; If not accepted, Armijo line search is then utilized. Under some mild conditions, the global convergence of the proposed method is established without the gradient Lipschitz continuous condition. Compared to some existing methods for unconstrained optimization problems, numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is promising for the testing problems.

五、報告題目:Adaptive stepsize for Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm and ADMM




The Douglas-Rachford (DR) splitting algorithm is a classical first-order splitting algorithm for solving maximal monotone inclusion problems. We propose an adaptive stepsize for DR splitting algorithm (ADR), which sets the step size based on local information of the objective function, and only requires two extra function evaluations per iteration. We prove the global convergence of ADR and the sublinear convergence rate of the objective function value in the ergodic sense. In addition, we apply ADR to solve the dual problem of the separable convex optimization problem with linear equality constraints and obtain an alternating direction method of multipliers with line search (ADMM-LS). By demonstrating the relationship between ADR and ADMM-LS, we prove the global convergence of ADMM-LS. Finally, we test three numerical experiments to compare the ADR and ADMM-LS with other algorithms. The numerical results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of ADR and ADMM-LS.


